Linkup UNSW

LinkUp is a dedicated event tracker for universities. The goal is to centralise events so that it's easier to find and navigate society events around campus. LinkUp's platform allows new and current students to find new events or societies that they may otherwise not know about, as well as a way to interact with the community through the many events.
Linkup UNSW
UI/UX Redesign Website Redesign


Linkup UNSW is a UNSW and ARC backed project dedicated for providing current, past and future university events and societies around campus to students. This platform is extremely beneficial to students as it gives opportunities to create friends, connections and better social life within university.


While LinkUp has successfully created a platform by connecting students and the extracurricular events and communities within UNSW, they conveyed their challenge in having an website design regarding their user experience and interface to successfully engage with visitors. The primary needs my design needed to fufil were identified as:

  • Validate user personas from the brief and research.
  • Improve stylistic design, typography and focus on call to action (CTA)
  • Create a redesign that illustrates brand identity, themes and style.
  • Improve UX by increasing user convenience and optimising platform functions through tools like sliders and buttons.

Design Process


In the process of redesigning the interface, i needed to keep and convey the existing important content, agree on a unified voice, and restructure it in a clean, neat, and uniform way. The most difficult thing is that during the evaluation
process, i realized that the current website has too many little things to convey and lack of highlight, leading to nothing that stands out the most.

So what do i need to focus on?

Finally, i define the goal of the website to get users inspired to interact like sign up/try it out/get clubs to subscribe.


Target Audience

The ambition or goal for this website was to provide a platform for new and current students within UNSW to make friends, entertainment, social events and groups through the promotion of current and future university events and clubs. We wanted to make it more easier and optimised for people to connect and interact in a new environment, both physically and virtually. We find our target audiences that would use Linkup to be:

  • New UNSW Students
  • Current UNSW Students
  • Existing UNSW Club members
  • New UNSW Club members
  • UNSW Club subcommittee members


                                         Landing Page


                                           Societies Page


                                           Events Page

(reoccuring event images represent future events)

                                         About Us Page

                                     Contact us Page