Crepes n Cake

Bakery E-commerce business operating on social media platforms like Instagram, delivering pastry goods especially crepe cakes to their customers.
Tiffany Z
Brand Design Logo Design Product Design


Crepes n Cakes was an eCommerce business idea proposal by Tiffany Z intended to sell assorted bakery goods mostly in the form of crepe cakes and operating on the social media platform; Instagram. The business idea was conveyed as a potential operation and my role was to create logo, product and appearance concepts in order to help the client's visualisation process.

Design Process

The client wishes for a hand-drawn and cartoonish logo which possess attention-catching and aesthetic colour imagery in order to convey the brand message of appeal and appetising satisfaction. After several reworks, I decided to utilise warmer colours like pink which is typically utilised within food product advertisements for its eye-catching and appetite-triggering use in addition to its symbolism of rich and sweetness. Conversely, a light blue background was used to contrast in addition to reflecting modern food packaging's colour symbolism of perceptive softness and creativity. I counter-proposed to the client a ''formal'' font such as my choice of ''Duffish'' would be a great contrast to the animated aesthetic of the brand and also creates formality and trust towards their consumer audiences. Extra details such as outlines and transparency of the edges of added later to create a further layered and bold feel and strengthen the hand-drawn characteristics.