
Me ^-^

Im a current final year student studying Media(Public Relations and Advertising) in UNSW and aspiring to become a Product or Project Manager.

I enjoy creating different digital, product and UX/UI designs as it incites my excitement and drive for creativity and innovation .My favourite tools to use currently would be Adobe Photoshop, Power Automate and Hubspot for my work!


Commercial Operation & Services Undergraduate

Accepted an undergraduate position in Organon as a Commercial Operations and Services Undergraduate


Marketing Vacationer

Worked over the summer at Barclay Pearce Capital

Campaign Video Editor & Producer

Worked over the summer at Barclay Pearce Capital

UX/UI Content Designer

Lead the Redesign phase of the UNSW Linkup Project till Current.


Social Media Marketing Intern

Edufund-Financial technology startup company


Beginning my Degree

Accepted my degree in Media(Public Relations and Advertising) in UNSW